Lifestyle Learning. Orange County

Lifestyle Learning. Orange County

  • Character through Literature

    This class allows homeschoolers to explore and internalize essential aspects of character development within the context of literary narratives, fostering a deeper understanding of ethical behavior and personal growth.

    Two hour class / $40 each

    6 students max

    Grade level K-5

  • Nature Journaling

    This class is centered around being slow in nature. Observing, documenting and reflecting upon nature while immersed in the coastal environment. It entails bringing a journal or notebook along on outdoor excursions and using it as a tool to record observations, sketches, thoughts and discoveries.

    Two hour class / $40 each

    6 students max

    Grade level K-8

  • Tutoring + homework help

    We now offer two hour long sessions of tutoring in most core subjects.

    Two hour session/ $50 each

    3 students max

    Grade level K-5

  • Entrepreneurship for teens

    We love to teach children at young ages how to express their creative visions, build a brand, market their ideas and learn skill sets that will help them design a career they will love.

    Two hour class /$40 each

    6 students max

    Grade level 6th-12th


Homeschooling does not need to be a lonely journey.Our classes facilitate life long friendships. We keep the classes small intentionally.

Charter School Vendor

We love partnering with charter schools so that educational funds may be used for our tutoring services. Your child will also complete beautiful sample work that can be used for the charters core subject requirements.

Cost + Schedule

Each class is two hours long.Our current schedule is 10am-12pm.Cost per class is $40 or $160/ month.

Please email me for our current class schedule.

Shauna McCoy

Hi, I’m Shauna.

With 13+ years of homeschool experience and a entrepreneurship background, I provide a unique educational approach that combines creativity, real- life skills and a love for nature in my classes.

I believe in serving children a banquet of ideas and watching what sets sail for them.Our community fosters collaboration, socialization, and life long friendships. We prioritize holistic learning and equip students with essential life skills for success in an ever evolving world.

As parents we know our children best and have the ability to tailor their curriculum, pace and facilitate their interests by collaborating with educators + instructors that are in alignment with our lifestyle. There is freedom in homeschool to enjoy more of what our children love. Finding the right people to come along side us is imperative.

Our two hour long classes provide parents with a well deserved break from the role of primary educator. It’s important as a homeschool parent to take time for self-care, personal pursuits and rejuvenation, fostering a healthier and more balance family dynamic.

The heart of what we do is centered around having healthy community for children. Outside of our regular classes we partner with local surf vendor Greenwave surf and host free events as well where we gather together to empower and support homeschool families - Shauna

Let’s connect to see if our community is a good fit for your family.




Not local? Unable to join our classes in person? You can still take part in our homeschool studies by downloading the specific PDFS you are interested in teaching your student.